It was the girls' first trip
The people who run the statue tours STINK.
The statue is amazing
Shrek is alright.
Sutton Foster is A-MAZ-ING.
My cab should never be the first one stopped at a red light.
My cab was the first one stopped at red lights A LOT.
Mom got diagnosed with the flu Friday morning.
She couldn't join us for tea and (the best) scones at Alice's Tea Cup.
The girls loved upper west, Alice's, hot dogs in front of the NatHisMus.
Central park is A-MAZ-ING.
Tribeca Rooftop is about the most amazig wedding venue on the planet.
Seriously? The sushi, fois gras, crab claws lamb chops, etc. were just appetizers?
I managed to find room for half my fillet.
We were sad to leave the reception early, but mom was spent.
Meanwhile, the girls went with aunts gina and jeanie (times square will never be the same - and first subway ride!).
Who's filming this movie with the rain machines at the courthouse? MATT DAMON!
Managed to walk all through Chinatown without purchasing one knock-off.
Pastries in Little Italy were wonderful.
I literally ate an entire pie at Joe's of Bleeker. Best ever? Maybe.
49th and 5th (Home of American Girl Mecca).
Ice rink, times square (M&Ms deserve a 3 story store?) and one last cab ride.
Not bad for a short trip. Watching the girls was my favorite part. In E's words, "It was absolutely awesome."