Amy can have her "love can heal our hearts." This is what I want.
I want Caroline to not become a mean girl.
I want Evie to learn how to manage stress.
I want to go skiing. It was so much fun last time...TEN YEARS AGO.
I want to not want so much stuff.
I want a home theater system worthy of our awesome chairs.
I want to actually use the elliptical I bought Catherine (and me) for Christmas (it's okay, UPS already told her about it).
I want to have time to read a book at least every two weeks.
I want to have the time to train a dog well so we can finally get and KEEP one.
I want to go to the movies without the kids.
I want our garage and sunroom and carport to be cleaned up.
I want to concrete our entire backyard.
I want a copy of Osler's new Christmas Mix.
I want to finally go see my best friend in Spain.
I want to be able to do the K and R Show again.
I want to be able to take the girls skating over the Chrismas holiday.
I want to go to trial before my birthday.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Civil Civility
DISCLOSURE: My oldest has gone to Kanakuk for 2 summers. My youngest will when old enough.
Pete Newman, a former director at Kanakuk, a camp run by and for believers in Christ, has been charged with several horrific acts with kampers. Now it is alleged that some of those acts took place at kamp and even further alleged that Newman's bosses had received reports of incidents and counselled him about his actions. This Kanakuk dad/trial lawyer sees only one possible conclusion, Kanakuk will face lawsuits over this.
I am so conflicted over this. How would I handle it if these young men or their parents came to me wishing to recover from Kanakuk for their damages? I would represent them. That is my oath to the law. I know that some find this in conflict with God's word. I do not.
The bible says we should not drag each other into court over church matters. Is this one? What church leaders do you take this conflict to for resolution if it cannot be worked out among the parties? Who determines what will right the wrongs done to these
Is "Kanakuk" a Christian? I believe that many of its leaders are Christians. I do not believe any organization should ever be labeled as Christian. I think I have said here before that "Christian" make a great noun and a terrible adjective.
Does Kanakuk have insurance? Is that a doubtful faith? Absolutely not. It is prudent stewardship of its leaders.
What about their duty to protect the thousands who pay thousands to spend time at Kanakuk every year? I hope that Joe and the rest take full responsibility for any mistakes they MAY have made. And more than that, I hope that whatever lawyers the victims find to represent them will seek the Truth and represent them with dignity.
Do Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly.
P.S. I just spent far too long posting this on way more websites talking about this than I ever expected to find. I hope fo the best in these conversations and know that Good will prevail. It just might take a while.
Pete Newman, a former director at Kanakuk, a camp run by and for believers in Christ, has been charged with several horrific acts with kampers. Now it is alleged that some of those acts took place at kamp and even further alleged that Newman's bosses had received reports of incidents and counselled him about his actions. This Kanakuk dad/trial lawyer sees only one possible conclusion, Kanakuk will face lawsuits over this.
I am so conflicted over this. How would I handle it if these young men or their parents came to me wishing to recover from Kanakuk for their damages? I would represent them. That is my oath to the law. I know that some find this in conflict with God's word. I do not.
The bible says we should not drag each other into court over church matters. Is this one? What church leaders do you take this conflict to for resolution if it cannot be worked out among the parties? Who determines what will right the wrongs done to these
Is "Kanakuk" a Christian? I believe that many of its leaders are Christians. I do not believe any organization should ever be labeled as Christian. I think I have said here before that "Christian" make a great noun and a terrible adjective.
Does Kanakuk have insurance? Is that a doubtful faith? Absolutely not. It is prudent stewardship of its leaders.
What about their duty to protect the thousands who pay thousands to spend time at Kanakuk every year? I hope that Joe and the rest take full responsibility for any mistakes they MAY have made. And more than that, I hope that whatever lawyers the victims find to represent them will seek the Truth and represent them with dignity.
Do Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly.
P.S. I just spent far too long posting this on way more websites talking about this than I ever expected to find. I hope fo the best in these conversations and know that Good will prevail. It just might take a while.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Civility of Children
My in-laws have in their dining area an 11x17 of this poster except it says "You Lie" at the bottom in homage to the "patriotic act" of some knuckleheaded junior congressman. I got to stare at it all night as I ate the most delicious prime rib. 
After dinner, E picked it up and said condemningly, "This is not funny." An adult retorted smugly, "You're right. It isn't." I am so proud of my little girl and sad for that adult. I am not proud that she stuck up for Obama's politics or beliefs. I don't expect her or any 3rd grader to understand or have a political opinion or affiliation. I am proud that she somehow at age 8 sees the disrespect of it all. I would hope she would have reacted the same when Bush was being raked over the coals.

After dinner, E picked it up and said condemningly, "This is not funny." An adult retorted smugly, "You're right. It isn't." I am so proud of my little girl and sad for that adult. I am not proud that she stuck up for Obama's politics or beliefs. I don't expect her or any 3rd grader to understand or have a political opinion or affiliation. I am proud that she somehow at age 8 sees the disrespect of it all. I would hope she would have reacted the same when Bush was being raked over the coals.
There is truly little civility left in the world, and even less in politics. I pray that she can hold firm to her developing personal convictions with the due respect of people and position in the midst of extremists on both sides who would rather blindly identify with a network, party or dogma than consider the merits in the many sides of any public debate. And I hope she never forgets that behind every belief, there is a child of God.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tomorrow - the word has never seemed more ominous. Tomorrow will either be one of the, if not the very, worst day of my life, OR it will mean that this mountain of work that seems to consume my being will not be ending anytime soon, if ever. Seriously, what kind of choice is that?
Tomorrow is a day many are rewarded with the single phrase "be careful what you wish for."
97% is no consolation today. Seriously, is it better to be one of the 2 or 3 from your school that missed the mark or one of the 15-20% that failed?
How will you know if I passed? If you see my resume posted on, you'll know I did not.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Growing up
It has happened. A rite of passage no child believes will come, but every "adult" should experience.
I have an announcement to make.
Twinkies are no longer good.
More to the point, they are gross and have been for quite some time. At what age does this happen? Is it linked to a passage of years or certain life events. When does the goo-filled sponge become no more than sponge? Even my memory of eating them as a child is tainted. I can't remember them ever tasting good. I don't even want to try one deep-fried.

Hostess, what deviltry are you performing on our innocent youth?
I have an announcement to make.
Twinkies are no longer good.
More to the point, they are gross and have been for quite some time. At what age does this happen? Is it linked to a passage of years or certain life events. When does the goo-filled sponge become no more than sponge? Even my memory of eating them as a child is tainted. I can't remember them ever tasting good. I don't even want to try one deep-fried.

Hostess, what deviltry are you performing on our innocent youth?
Sunday, October 11, 2009
56 hours in NYC
It was the girls' first trip
The people who run the statue tours STINK.
The statue is amazing
Shrek is alright.
Sutton Foster is A-MAZ-ING.
My cab should never be the first one stopped at a red light.
My cab was the first one stopped at red lights A LOT.
Mom got diagnosed with the flu Friday morning.
She couldn't join us for tea and (the best) scones at Alice's Tea Cup.
The girls loved upper west, Alice's, hot dogs in front of the NatHisMus.
Central park is A-MAZ-ING.
Tribeca Rooftop is about the most amazig wedding venue on the planet.
Seriously? The sushi, fois gras, crab claws lamb chops, etc. were just appetizers?
I managed to find room for half my fillet.
We were sad to leave the reception early, but mom was spent.
Meanwhile, the girls went with aunts gina and jeanie (times square will never be the same - and first subway ride!).
Who's filming this movie with the rain machines at the courthouse? MATT DAMON!
Managed to walk all through Chinatown without purchasing one knock-off.
Pastries in Little Italy were wonderful.
I literally ate an entire pie at Joe's of Bleeker. Best ever? Maybe.
49th and 5th (Home of American Girl Mecca).
Ice rink, times square (M&Ms deserve a 3 story store?) and one last cab ride.
Not bad for a short trip. Watching the girls was my favorite part. In E's words, "It was absolutely awesome."
The people who run the statue tours STINK.
The statue is amazing
Shrek is alright.
Sutton Foster is A-MAZ-ING.
My cab should never be the first one stopped at a red light.
My cab was the first one stopped at red lights A LOT.
Mom got diagnosed with the flu Friday morning.
She couldn't join us for tea and (the best) scones at Alice's Tea Cup.
The girls loved upper west, Alice's, hot dogs in front of the NatHisMus.
Central park is A-MAZ-ING.
Tribeca Rooftop is about the most amazig wedding venue on the planet.
Seriously? The sushi, fois gras, crab claws lamb chops, etc. were just appetizers?
I managed to find room for half my fillet.
We were sad to leave the reception early, but mom was spent.
Meanwhile, the girls went with aunts gina and jeanie (times square will never be the same - and first subway ride!).
Who's filming this movie with the rain machines at the courthouse? MATT DAMON!
Managed to walk all through Chinatown without purchasing one knock-off.
Pastries in Little Italy were wonderful.
I literally ate an entire pie at Joe's of Bleeker. Best ever? Maybe.
49th and 5th (Home of American Girl Mecca).
Ice rink, times square (M&Ms deserve a 3 story store?) and one last cab ride.
Not bad for a short trip. Watching the girls was my favorite part. In E's words, "It was absolutely awesome."
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My letter to the Alumni Association
I appreciate the thought that went into the letter sent out by Mr. Lacey. I understand this issue and the difficulties it presents. I have no doubt that the BAA has Baylor's best interests at heart. However, I do hope that the BAA is seriously considering this measure.
When I became a life member upon graduation, I was proud. I assumed two things would result from my membership and the very existence of the BAA. First, I thought the BAA supported the university financially. Second, I thought there would be ways to support Baylor locally where I am through the BAA. It had NOTHING to do with an independent voice. Honestly, like many, I assumed the BAA was a part of the university.
What I found was that during the early years after graduation, when giving more wasn't really an option, the only thing I got out of membership was a magazine and lots of offers for a BAA credit card. Are credit cards really the most responsible thing to offer young alumni? I never heard of events in my area. In fact the only events I heard of were the extremely pricey travels that BAA organized. Not the best for the most numerous group of alumni, the under 30 set.
Then, I was hired by the Baylor Network to engage young grads. I realized soon that the money was going the wrong way, from the university to the BAA. That doesn't make sense. I would venture to guess that when the vast majority hear ads saying that the BAA has been supporting the university for 150 years, they assume that is direct financial support. The BAA doesn't say "cheering on the university," or "holding the university accountable." It says, "supporting." I believe that is misleading.
Another misleading communication found specifically in Mr. Lacey's letter is that the university took BAA staff to form the Network. I continue to be baffled by this. Those staff positions were funded by the university while at the association. They were hired by the university. The BAA resented thembeing in the building. President Sloan soon realized that any alumni outreach would be better done directly under the umbrella of the university. So, he moved UNIVERSITY FUNDED STAFF AND PROGRAMMING back to the university. Also, the BAA was one of the loudest voices for the removal of Sloan. It should be noted that no president has raised that money going in the wrong direction, from Baylor to the BAA more than President Sloan. I don't know if he needed to go, but he was no enemy of the BAA. Neither are the Regents or current administration. There is no conspiracy. This idea has been talked about OPENLY for years. And finally, why does Baylor need this independent voice more than any other private university in the country?
I have no idea if you are still reading, but I will add one parting thought. I was part of a dying church at one point in my life. Many proposals were brought forth to the congregation to seek new purpose, new direction, partner with other churches, etc. These ideas were brought by people who had a heart for God, that church and the community where the church was located. But what it really came down to in the end was that those who had been there the longest did not want to let go of their idea of what that church had always been. Nobody was willing to accept the imminent death of that limb of the Body of Christ. But even without their acceptance, it happened.
There is a season for everything. 150 years is a very long season. Regardless of what decision the BAA makes, you have had a wonderful season thus far.
God Bless,
Kendall Cockrell
BA 1998, JD 2009
When I became a life member upon graduation, I was proud. I assumed two things would result from my membership and the very existence of the BAA. First, I thought the BAA supported the university financially. Second, I thought there would be ways to support Baylor locally where I am through the BAA. It had NOTHING to do with an independent voice. Honestly, like many, I assumed the BAA was a part of the university.
What I found was that during the early years after graduation, when giving more wasn't really an option, the only thing I got out of membership was a magazine and lots of offers for a BAA credit card. Are credit cards really the most responsible thing to offer young alumni? I never heard of events in my area. In fact the only events I heard of were the extremely pricey travels that BAA organized. Not the best for the most numerous group of alumni, the under 30 set.
Then, I was hired by the Baylor Network to engage young grads. I realized soon that the money was going the wrong way, from the university to the BAA. That doesn't make sense. I would venture to guess that when the vast majority hear ads saying that the BAA has been supporting the university for 150 years, they assume that is direct financial support. The BAA doesn't say "cheering on the university," or "holding the university accountable." It says, "supporting." I believe that is misleading.
Another misleading communication found specifically in Mr. Lacey's letter is that the university took BAA staff to form the Network. I continue to be baffled by this. Those staff positions were funded by the university while at the association. They were hired by the university. The BAA resented thembeing in the building. President Sloan soon realized that any alumni outreach would be better done directly under the umbrella of the university. So, he moved UNIVERSITY FUNDED STAFF AND PROGRAMMING back to the university. Also, the BAA was one of the loudest voices for the removal of Sloan. It should be noted that no president has raised that money going in the wrong direction, from Baylor to the BAA more than President Sloan. I don't know if he needed to go, but he was no enemy of the BAA. Neither are the Regents or current administration. There is no conspiracy. This idea has been talked about OPENLY for years. And finally, why does Baylor need this independent voice more than any other private university in the country?
I have no idea if you are still reading, but I will add one parting thought. I was part of a dying church at one point in my life. Many proposals were brought forth to the congregation to seek new purpose, new direction, partner with other churches, etc. These ideas were brought by people who had a heart for God, that church and the community where the church was located. But what it really came down to in the end was that those who had been there the longest did not want to let go of their idea of what that church had always been. Nobody was willing to accept the imminent death of that limb of the Body of Christ. But even without their acceptance, it happened.
There is a season for everything. 150 years is a very long season. Regardless of what decision the BAA makes, you have had a wonderful season thus far.
God Bless,
Kendall Cockrell
BA 1998, JD 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Lookie what I found. Found it reserching a mispelling of Funyuns. I like Funyuns. Haven't had them in years. But I'm pretty sure I like them.

But back to that website. I like satire and wasting time. But this is too much. Where to people find the time, Sterling? Seriously. I can see the occasional funny blog, Winkler, but an entire deep site of nonsense? But it did look like something some of you would enjoy, Osler.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Independence is costly
Not talking about military strength or protecting the ____ amendment. Nothing so Fox/MSNBC commentary worthy. Just an old idea whose time is long past due. The Baylor Alumni Association (BAA), of which I am a lifetime member, needs to finally do what they should have done when asked over a decade ago. They need to become an entity of the university. I will give you a few of my reasons, but the Trib does a pretty good job of laying it out here and here.
I have a bias. I worked for the Alumni Relations division of Baylor University (Baylor Network) for 3 years. Most of you have no idea that this is a separate entity from the BAA, much less the contention that many at the core of the BAA have for the Network. Nor should you. There shouldn't be any animosity. There shouldn't be two organizations. There is no need in this day and age for an "independent" alumni association. For years Baylor gave BAA money (I had always assumed it was the other way around). And in return, the BAA demanded to be left alone without accountability, left to badmouth the sugar daddy as much as they wanted. and to publish it in a magazine funded in part by the university. Crazy, right? And when Sloan questioned this (while increasing the BAA's yearly gift from the university they were created to support"), BAA called for his head.
Then Lilley did one of the tough jobs he was brought in to do, cut off the spoiled child. That (only in part, to be fair) cost him his job. But it had to be done.
And now, finally, the BAA seems to be considering what was asked of it 15 years ago, come into the fold, LIKE EVERY OTHER MAJOR PRIVATE SCHOOL IN THE COUNTRY.
So, yeah, I am for this proposal. I am for it because it will put an end to too much bickering that distracts from the school's mission. I am for it because the Network is flat out better at reaching alumni than the BAA. I am for it because the divided resources can better be spent on other endeavors. I am for it because it is the best thing for Baylor.
I have a bias. I worked for the Alumni Relations division of Baylor University (Baylor Network) for 3 years. Most of you have no idea that this is a separate entity from the BAA, much less the contention that many at the core of the BAA have for the Network. Nor should you. There shouldn't be any animosity. There shouldn't be two organizations. There is no need in this day and age for an "independent" alumni association. For years Baylor gave BAA money (I had always assumed it was the other way around). And in return, the BAA demanded to be left alone without accountability, left to badmouth the sugar daddy as much as they wanted. and to publish it in a magazine funded in part by the university. Crazy, right? And when Sloan questioned this (while increasing the BAA's yearly gift from the university they were created to support"), BAA called for his head.
Then Lilley did one of the tough jobs he was brought in to do, cut off the spoiled child. That (only in part, to be fair) cost him his job. But it had to be done.
And now, finally, the BAA seems to be considering what was asked of it 15 years ago, come into the fold, LIKE EVERY OTHER MAJOR PRIVATE SCHOOL IN THE COUNTRY.
So, yeah, I am for this proposal. I am for it because it will put an end to too much bickering that distracts from the school's mission. I am for it because the Network is flat out better at reaching alumni than the BAA. I am for it because the divided resources can better be spent on other endeavors. I am for it because it is the best thing for Baylor.
Friday, September 18, 2009
has its ups and downs. Tonight we used our very cool teppanyaki grill with seated dining. Here's a pic of me when I was an Asian chef.

Food was surprisingly good for my first shot. But there is a MAJOR smoke problem. We bought the best vent hood we could get without going commercial. we should have gone commercial. As I type this in the furthest room from the kitchen, the smell of soy and oil permeates my nostrils as well as my skin. It would be all up in my hair if I had any. We'll have to fix that.
Then, just as I was putting the girls down and preparing to blog about something amazing, E informed me that her bed was wet. It's been 5 years at least since that was a problem for her. Well, the culprit was not a full bladder, but water dripping from the ac vent above her head. seems the drip pan drain was clogged. So, after some time moving her in with her sis and working in the attic which has blown insulation (WHICH I HATE!), I am clean and sleepy. I get to sleep in until at least 7 tomorrow. Soccer season is a cruel invention. No regrets
Food was surprisingly good for my first shot. But there is a MAJOR smoke problem. We bought the best vent hood we could get without going commercial. we should have gone commercial. As I type this in the furthest room from the kitchen, the smell of soy and oil permeates my nostrils as well as my skin. It would be all up in my hair if I had any. We'll have to fix that.
Then, just as I was putting the girls down and preparing to blog about something amazing, E informed me that her bed was wet. It's been 5 years at least since that was a problem for her. Well, the culprit was not a full bladder, but water dripping from the ac vent above her head. seems the drip pan drain was clogged. So, after some time moving her in with her sis and working in the attic which has blown insulation (WHICH I HATE!), I am clean and sleepy. I get to sleep in until at least 7 tomorrow. Soccer season is a cruel invention. No regrets
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Positive Motivation
I received many accolades during my time at BLaw. But this may be my newest favorite. Seriously, nothing was more a part of my daily routine during my time there than the Razor. Though I never had any of his classes, I got to do an independent study for Osler working on his awesome book and some other writings. He was also helpful in getting me a coveted internship with the Judge. and in putting me in contact with my now senior associate at PU. What a great guy. Just having him read is enough to make me want to be more faithful in keeping up with this.
The rest of y'all just don't really matter.
Just kidding, Alexis.
But seriously, the rest of you, I could care less.
The rest of y'all just don't really matter.
Just kidding, Alexis.
But seriously, the rest of you, I could care less.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
National Enquirer Right Again
Well, I don't really know if "again" is accurate, but this weeks cover was Johnny Castle going home to die. RIP PS.
I will now admit something that only my mom probably ever even suspected. Swayze's role in Dirty Dancing was very inspiring to me at age 11. Why? Because I was a 1950's dance instructor/jigalo? I wish but no. I was, however, a pairs figure skater. Let that sink in. Yup. Figure skater from age 5 to age 18. And his portrayal of a strong, masculine ladies man that also danced was a nice role model for the boy who batted .000 in two years of little league but could do a double salchow and throw/catch a girl while skating at full speed.
So there you go. A little about me and Patrick.
Of course, nobody will read this since i've been outcast by the Oz. Who can blame him, really. I haven't posted anything as of late. I will try to be better, sir.

So there you go. A little about me and Patrick.
Of course, nobody will read this since i've been outcast by the Oz. Who can blame him, really. I haven't posted anything as of late. I will try to be better, sir.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
I have a lot of lasts coming up. Most of them really good. Last law school exam. Last day to study for the bar. LAST DAY OF THE BAR. Last day living in Waco (I'll miss it, but I miss the girls more). And last day to be unemployed.
Today is the first last. Last day of classes. Last law school class. Actually, this is kinda bittersweet. I have so enjoyed the learning environment here. I remember very well the first day of law school classes. It was truly invigorating. WJC and the Fuse. I can't think of a better pair to launch into this experience. Then Cordon and Salzmann joined the Four (way) Under Forty that led us through that rainy summer of 2007. The grass was unusually green. We were just the right amount of green - eager, envious of those further down the path and completely and expectedly inept. It was a good place to be.
I loved everything about that first summer, but most of all the classes. Preparing, learning. Staying on your toes so Counseller wouldn't destroy you. Watching Fusellier throw stuff at SterBur. Reminiscing about the fabulous carreer of Eric Stoltz with Salzmann. Talking Cowboys preseason and parental beatdowns with Cordon. And above all being stretched more intellectually than I truly thought possible. Yet even on this very last day, Benham (a terrific adjunct) mixes experience, antecdotes and brand new caselaw to show me how little I still know. Such is the law. All I can hope is that before it is all over, I will see more projectiles sent SterBur's way.
Today is the first last. Last day of classes. Last law school class. Actually, this is kinda bittersweet. I have so enjoyed the learning environment here. I remember very well the first day of law school classes. It was truly invigorating. WJC and the Fuse. I can't think of a better pair to launch into this experience. Then Cordon and Salzmann joined the Four (way) Under Forty that led us through that rainy summer of 2007. The grass was unusually green. We were just the right amount of green - eager, envious of those further down the path and completely and expectedly inept. It was a good place to be.
I loved everything about that first summer, but most of all the classes. Preparing, learning. Staying on your toes so Counseller wouldn't destroy you. Watching Fusellier throw stuff at SterBur. Reminiscing about the fabulous carreer of Eric Stoltz with Salzmann. Talking Cowboys preseason and parental beatdowns with Cordon. And above all being stretched more intellectually than I truly thought possible. Yet even on this very last day, Benham (a terrific adjunct) mixes experience, antecdotes and brand new caselaw to show me how little I still know. Such is the law. All I can hope is that before it is all over, I will see more projectiles sent SterBur's way.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Bad is Better
A lot of us are thinking back on the soundtrack of our younger years today with great fondness. I cannot tell you how many laps around the skating rink were accompanied by the funk and freak of MJ and Vincent Price. But as I really look at the King of Pop's discography, it becomes clear that the followup to Thriller was at least slightly superior. The scope of both albums is vast (from Beat it to The Girl is Mine and Smooth Criminal to The Way You Make Me Feel). He was just as rock as he was soul - that is what pop meant when he was king.
But if I had to choose to just have one album, Bad wins. Dirty Diana may not be Darling Nikki, but it's pretty freakin' good. Man in the Mirror is actually still a little moving to me. And Smooth Criminal may be my all time favorite MJ song AND video. Yup. Bad wins.
And I think I'd be okay without ever hearing P.Y.T again. Or ever seeing the Say Say Say video (I know it isn't on Thriller, but it deserves a pan).
But if I had to choose to just have one album, Bad wins. Dirty Diana may not be Darling Nikki, but it's pretty freakin' good. Man in the Mirror is actually still a little moving to me. And Smooth Criminal may be my all time favorite MJ song AND video. Yup. Bad wins.
And I think I'd be okay without ever hearing P.Y.T again. Or ever seeing the Say Say Say video (I know it isn't on Thriller, but it deserves a pan).
Friday, June 12, 2009
I have become re-acquainted with my fascination with tornadoes. They are crazy awesome. It is really just part of growing up in tornado alley (like hurricanes on the coast). I personally got excited any time that sky would get a green hue. You could see the fronts colliding in the evening sky. Just exhilarating. I have been withing a few hundred yards of a couple over my lifetime and seen several at the 2+ mile distance.
I think they don't get as much national attention as hurricanes b/c you can't track them for weeks and pontificate about where they may eventually cause destruction. You develop a relationship with a hurricane. Heck, they even have names. Tornadoes are like one night stands. You never know when one might spring up, and they'll be gone just as fast. If you are fortunate enough to experience one, you cannot back down. I mean, these regular guys drove right towards it. Just watching that video made my heart race a bit.
(as a point of disclosure, i have never in my life had anything close to a one night stand)
I think they don't get as much national attention as hurricanes b/c you can't track them for weeks and pontificate about where they may eventually cause destruction. You develop a relationship with a hurricane. Heck, they even have names. Tornadoes are like one night stands. You never know when one might spring up, and they'll be gone just as fast. If you are fortunate enough to experience one, you cannot back down. I mean, these regular guys drove right towards it. Just watching that video made my heart race a bit.
(as a point of disclosure, i have never in my life had anything close to a one night stand)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I started a twitter account with every intention of being a productive part of the "twitterverse." But that crap is nonsense. So now is a haven for twitter's lone naysayer (or should i say "naytweeter"? no. i should not).
If you are on there, follow me to freedom. And suggestions are always welcome.
Here's some samples
Why twitter blows #1 - your mom does it.
Why twitter blows #3 - "Tweet"? Seriously? That's what they settled on? Dirt dobbers.
Why twitter blows # 4 (from Dave) - "if I'm on facebook, what does Twitter add for me-I've got an account, but can't figure out why I care."
If you are on there, follow me to freedom. And suggestions are always welcome.
Here's some samples
Why twitter blows #1 - your mom does it.
Why twitter blows #3 - "Tweet"? Seriously? That's what they settled on? Dirt dobbers.
Why twitter blows # 4 (from Dave) - "if I'm on facebook, what does Twitter add for me-I've got an account, but can't figure out why I care."
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Life in the New Reality
Easter came. Christ arose. The bunny died. And all is well.
One of the most astounding qualities of any living creature is the ability to adapt to incredible changes in circumstances or reality. It was every bit as true on that first Easter as it was for my little E today. Just hours later she has gotten over what was certainly the most tramatic experience in her first 8 years on earth. And now, she cannot contain the new truth. She wants to tell everyone. But since CG is still living with the bunny, E must be measured and patient sharing this new and now wonderful truth.
Imagine those disciples on Easter. The disappointment reached a low they had never imagined. Not only was He dead. But now? Now he was gone from the grave.
And this was devastating. Until they realized he was more than gone. He is Risen. A new, strange, frightening reality. A reality they weren't sure they could accept. A truth they didn't know how to live with. But it didn't take long. They couldn't stop themselves. They told everyone. And we still do. We tell everyone. Sometimes the wrong people. Sometimes to our own demise and peril. Sometimes with people who just aren't ready. But we still do it. We still tell the truth to anyone and everyone.
We have to. It's our reality.
One of the most astounding qualities of any living creature is the ability to adapt to incredible changes in circumstances or reality. It was every bit as true on that first Easter as it was for my little E today. Just hours later she has gotten over what was certainly the most tramatic experience in her first 8 years on earth. And now, she cannot contain the new truth. She wants to tell everyone. But since CG is still living with the bunny, E must be measured and patient sharing this new and now wonderful truth.
Imagine those disciples on Easter. The disappointment reached a low they had never imagined. Not only was He dead. But now? Now he was gone from the grave.
And this was devastating. Until they realized he was more than gone. He is Risen. A new, strange, frightening reality. A reality they weren't sure they could accept. A truth they didn't know how to live with. But it didn't take long. They couldn't stop themselves. They told everyone. And we still do. We tell everyone. Sometimes the wrong people. Sometimes to our own demise and peril. Sometimes with people who just aren't ready. But we still do it. We still tell the truth to anyone and everyone.
We have to. It's our reality.
Shattered Dreams
I can't believe I did it. I have never broken her heart like this. Nobody had. The shock and pain washed over her face leaving a flood of tears as lasting proof. I thought she knew. I assumed she at least suspected.
But she didn't. She was floating along in that childlike wonder believing all was just as I had said. One sentence. Six little words formed a statement that would forever change our worlds.
It is my fault. I led her to believe this fairy tale. I was the one who told her it was true. But, how could she not have known? It was obviously too good to be true. I mean, seriously, a rabbit who can carry enough candy to supply all the children in the world? It's absurd.
But it was her reality. And it has been shattered and forever reformed. She's a little bit wiser, a little less naive.
And isn't that what Easter is really all about?
But she didn't. She was floating along in that childlike wonder believing all was just as I had said. One sentence. Six little words formed a statement that would forever change our worlds.
It is my fault. I led her to believe this fairy tale. I was the one who told her it was true. But, how could she not have known? It was obviously too good to be true. I mean, seriously, a rabbit who can carry enough candy to supply all the children in the world? It's absurd.
But it was her reality. And it has been shattered and forever reformed. She's a little bit wiser, a little less naive.
And isn't that what Easter is really all about?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Economy Hits Sesame Street!
So, what prompted me looking into the TV of my childhood (see earlier post) was a discussion about how even Big Bird is suffering in this economy. Sesame Workshop has announced cutting it's workforce by 20%.
Butch Henry is Muffin
This one is for those of you who listen to sports radio in waco and who grew up within the signal strength of WFAA. All of you. Every last one of you who fit that demo. The rest of you can go eat cupcakes.
I have always been fascinated by the awful-ness of Tom and Butch's voices. Not their show, just their voices. And they have been on since the station started when I was in undergrad. For those of you who don't know, that was a looooong time ago. I am compelled to listen. Compelled in the same way that i am compelled on occasion to touch a 9 volt battery to my tongue.
In addition, I love Muffin. For those of you who grew up in the horrible outliers (Houston), you missed out on Muffin. Muffin was the puppet sidekick of Mr. Peppermint on Channel 8's Saturday morning show, "Peppermint Palace." They taught me how to make donuts with refrigerated biscuits and cooking oil. When I was 6. And my parents were still asleep. We all survived. The "donuts" sucked.
Anyhow, I discovered some old footage of the show of my youth (not college youth, the other - better - youth). And I realized that Muffin sounds JUST LIKE Butch.
That is all
editor's note: Mr. Peppermint's son is the lead singer for Butthole Surfers.
I have always been fascinated by the awful-ness of Tom and Butch's voices. Not their show, just their voices. And they have been on since the station started when I was in undergrad. For those of you who don't know, that was a looooong time ago. I am compelled to listen. Compelled in the same way that i am compelled on occasion to touch a 9 volt battery to my tongue.
In addition, I love Muffin. For those of you who grew up in the horrible outliers (Houston), you missed out on Muffin. Muffin was the puppet sidekick of Mr. Peppermint on Channel 8's Saturday morning show, "Peppermint Palace." They taught me how to make donuts with refrigerated biscuits and cooking oil. When I was 6. And my parents were still asleep. We all survived. The "donuts" sucked.
Anyhow, I discovered some old footage of the show of my youth (not college youth, the other - better - youth). And I realized that Muffin sounds JUST LIKE Butch.
That is all
editor's note: Mr. Peppermint's son is the lead singer for Butthole Surfers.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I have THE solution for the economy
The fact is, I didn't come up with the solution. Others have websites devoted to implementing it.
But it so obtainable. The answer is right in front of our eyes. It makes so much sense I want to dropkick a Furby.
It has been brought up from time to time. Some major companies dabbled with it during the gas price crisis of 2008 (remember that?). A school district in Florida has it up for a vote. One entire state has experimented with it.
It doesn't just fix the economy, it fixes EVERYTHING.
(slogan the sole property of kendall)
C'mon, people. This makes sense. All the productivity, all the consumer spending, 20% less utility cost to businesses, 20% less commuter pollution, 50% more days with the family, 50% more days to spend at the mall.
Imagine. Instead of rushing kids to after school activities in the 3 hours between school and bed, you could do all that stuff on Fridays.
Wednesday wouldn't be hump-day. We wouldn't need it. I don't even think we'd complain about Monday if we only have three more days to the weekend. We probably wouldn't ever complain about anything ever in this new 4DWW eutopia.
There is no downside. NONE. Point out the flaws. I dare ya.
Point out the downside. I dare you.
But it so obtainable. The answer is right in front of our eyes. It makes so much sense I want to dropkick a Furby.
It has been brought up from time to time. Some major companies dabbled with it during the gas price crisis of 2008 (remember that?). A school district in Florida has it up for a vote. One entire state has experimented with it.
It doesn't just fix the economy, it fixes EVERYTHING.
(slogan the sole property of kendall)
C'mon, people. This makes sense. All the productivity, all the consumer spending, 20% less utility cost to businesses, 20% less commuter pollution, 50% more days with the family, 50% more days to spend at the mall.
Imagine. Instead of rushing kids to after school activities in the 3 hours between school and bed, you could do all that stuff on Fridays.
Wednesday wouldn't be hump-day. We wouldn't need it. I don't even think we'd complain about Monday if we only have three more days to the weekend. We probably wouldn't ever complain about anything ever in this new 4DWW eutopia.
There is no downside. NONE. Point out the flaws. I dare ya.
Point out the downside. I dare you.
kendall is a genius,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Lame Ripoff
I have been convinced for years that THEY are monitoring my thoughts and using all the great ideas I never have the resources to set in motion. It normally hasn't bothered me because, again, I didn't have the resources to pull it off anyhow.
The ideas are always nearly identical to mine and are always successful. So I take it as affirmation of my ability to be a fabulously wealthy entrepreneur at some point. It's that first million that is holding me back. Once I have that, the sky is the limit.
BUT THIS ONE ANNOYS ME. It doesn't annoy me because I was ready to make money off of it. I didn't even ever plan to make money off this one. This one was for me and my friends. If any of you have ever had the chance to darken the lanes of a bowling alley in my company, you have probably had the honor and privilege of participating in the greatness that is Kendall Bowling. What the name lacks in panache, the game more than makes up for in unnecessary intricacy and arbitrary rules. Without getting into such minutia I will say this; the basic premise is to get the highest score possible without getting a strike or spare (either of which will eliminate you from the game) or a gutter ball (which subtracts points from your score). It is not as easy as it sounds. Most rounds end with only one person NOT knocking down all the pins.
Nobody has ever not had a blast playing this game. And with good reason, it is brilliant.
But now, the corporate big wigs are trying to profit from it. And like corporate big wigs always do, they have dumbed it down and sucked all the brilliance out of it for their own gain. GutterBowling IS NOT great. It is lame. It is sold as something that requires no skill. It lies. a skilled bowler can win this game every time. They just turned it into (with all due respect) white trash golf. Where's the chance? Where's the capreciousness? WHERE'S THE KENDALLNESS?
The ideas are always nearly identical to mine and are always successful. So I take it as affirmation of my ability to be a fabulously wealthy entrepreneur at some point. It's that first million that is holding me back. Once I have that, the sky is the limit.
BUT THIS ONE ANNOYS ME. It doesn't annoy me because I was ready to make money off of it. I didn't even ever plan to make money off this one. This one was for me and my friends. If any of you have ever had the chance to darken the lanes of a bowling alley in my company, you have probably had the honor and privilege of participating in the greatness that is Kendall Bowling. What the name lacks in panache, the game more than makes up for in unnecessary intricacy and arbitrary rules. Without getting into such minutia I will say this; the basic premise is to get the highest score possible without getting a strike or spare (either of which will eliminate you from the game) or a gutter ball (which subtracts points from your score). It is not as easy as it sounds. Most rounds end with only one person NOT knocking down all the pins.
Nobody has ever not had a blast playing this game. And with good reason, it is brilliant.
But now, the corporate big wigs are trying to profit from it. And like corporate big wigs always do, they have dumbed it down and sucked all the brilliance out of it for their own gain. GutterBowling IS NOT great. It is lame. It is sold as something that requires no skill. It lies. a skilled bowler can win this game every time. They just turned it into (with all due respect) white trash golf. Where's the chance? Where's the capreciousness? WHERE'S THE KENDALLNESS?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Apparently one of our SBA executives had an idea to have sporks instead of spoons AND forks in the student lounge. And the reason given was to possibly save money while continuing to meet the needs of the students.
ALRIGHT, LISTEN. This is not logical. If I need a utensil, I need a utensil. Rarely, if ever, does anyone use both a spoon and a fork at the same time (unless it is a soup and salad meal). Therefore, they will be getting a spoon or fork or spork. The same amount of utensils will be used. The only way this plan works to save money is the rare occasion someone is eating soup and salad. But the frustration of trying to get a proper amount of ruffage on those tiny little prongs of a spork and likewise having the soup leak through the same useless prongs will lead to nobody using any utensils. As a slob of an individual with little regard to manners and etiquette, I have no problem with this idea. SBA, all the way.
ALRIGHT, LISTEN. This is not logical. If I need a utensil, I need a utensil. Rarely, if ever, does anyone use both a spoon and a fork at the same time (unless it is a soup and salad meal). Therefore, they will be getting a spoon or fork or spork. The same amount of utensils will be used. The only way this plan works to save money is the rare occasion someone is eating soup and salad. But the frustration of trying to get a proper amount of ruffage on those tiny little prongs of a spork and likewise having the soup leak through the same useless prongs will lead to nobody using any utensils. As a slob of an individual with little regard to manners and etiquette, I have no problem with this idea. SBA, all the way.
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